Episode 13: bmandarines and brushwork


I had the pleasure of chatting with knitwear designer and podcaster Melody Hoffmann aka mandarines this episode. Melody is a charming guest and I hope you enjoy hearing about her inspiration and work! We have some great give aways as well! With a special shoutouts for Martin’s Lab, Blacker Yarn, a new pattern, jet lag and bad hair…

Shownotes are in the EastLondonKnit Ravelry group, where you will also find a new call for test knitters, and other goodness among other things….

Happy knitting!

Episode 10: Thea Colman & Iara

Episode 10 is ready for you and I think it’s a good one! Thea Colman, aka babycocktails was a great interviewee and there are not one but 3 giveaways this time.

If you would like to win a copy of the Iara wrap pattern, you can enter to win a free copy over here on Instagram.

Iara knitting pattern by Renee Callahan

Happy knitting!


Episode 9: Mary Jane Mucklestone


Episode 9 is up and ready to view!

I had the pleasure of chatting with Mary Jane Mucklestone on the podcast this time about Shetland, the happiest hat and more! Show notes are in the EastLondonKnit Ravelry group.

Happy knitting,

Episode 3: Knitting Machine Making


The EastLondonKnit podcast is out! May I present to you Episode 3: Knitting Machine Making.


The show notes can be found in the EastLondonKnit Ravelry group, and there is another great giveaway, a winner for a previous giveaway, and Craftsy discounts galore!

Happy knitting,


Episode 1: Clare Devine and Double Yarn Overs.


Well, the pilot episode when so well, I thought I may as well have another go!

This time I catch up with Clare Devine at Edinburgh Yarn Festival for a little interview about her latest projects, I chat about my current knitting and do a little tutorial about working double yarn overs. You can find show notes in the thread for Episode 1 in the EastLondonKnit Ravelry group.

There is a great giveaway from Clare for this episode, so please do have a view of the podcast if you would like a chance to win!


Oriental Beauty knitting pattern by Clare Devine

Oriental Beauty by Clare Devine

My brain seems entirely taken up on working on my new collection and the podcast. I keep sitting down to write a blog post and there is a yawning gap where my inspiration used to be. Maybe I should be concerned about it, but admittedly, I’m not.

This is how I see it: either, there is only so many creative words in me at any given time and I have used up my allowance at the moment, or I am percolating on some future words and themes (in an apparently unconscious way, HA!). Either way, it always seem like if I don’t have anything interesting to say, not to say anything at all.

So I think I will post about interesting things when they happen: I publish a pattern, or a podcast or have a sale or finish something. What do you think?

Happy knitting,


p.s. The best way to keep up with EastLondonKnit happenings, is to sign up for the newsletter!


The EastLondonKnit Podcast: Pilot episode


I did it! I published at least one podcast!

It wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be for me, but you will have to let me know how it is for you;)

You can find the show notes in the thread in the EastLondonKnit Ravelry group.

To win the gorgeous skein of Blacker Yarn’s new yarn Samite, have a view of the podcast.

Thank you so much if you took the time to watch my first efforts. I will get better, I promise!

Happy knitting,


The Podcast.


Well, this is it. I have decided to make a podcast.

The East London Knit podcast

I am thinking of it like this: what’s the big deal? If I fail and everyone hates it, I can quit anytime and move on. If I succeed, I will have a place to share tutorials and a place to regularly ‘meet’ with my knitting people. Either way, the only things I’m risking are time and pride, right?

Unlike many other podcasters, I won’t really be able to share what I am knitting all the time, because I am almost always knitting on a new design of my own. So what will I talk about?


First of all, I’ll share tutorials and tips regularly. I forget sometimes how it feels to be a beginner knitter, when there is everything to learn and no knowledge can be taken for granted. I have made photo tutorials, but I think having video will really help to make techniques clear and understandable.

Of course I will talk about upcoming events, new (and occasionally older) designs, and other people’s designs I wish I had time to knit… of which there are many!

To that end, here is my (bizarrely earnest!) introduction to the podcast:



Please do tell me what you think, if you like things or don’t. What are you interested in hearing about, seeing with regard to craft and knitting?

I like structure and the idea of having a regular (I’m thinking fortnightly) deadline to hold myself accountable for having something to show for my 2 weeks. The first episode will come out a couple of weeks after Edinburgh Yarn Fest, hopefully giving me enough time to recover and organise myself, and make a great first go of it:) Wish me luck… !

Happy knitting,


Let the KAL begin!


Today the Klee Collection knit along begins and I am really pleased to discuss the first of the sponsors, who, not coincidentally, were also the wonderful sources of yarn for my collection:

ELK KAL prizes

Blacker YarnsWalkCollection and The Uncommon Thread have all generously contributed to the prize pots, as have I with some gorgeous yarn from the ‘give away’ stash and surprises to be announced. There will be prizes for finished garments and finished accessories, both randomly selected, as well as a social media participation prize and a prize for my favourite finished object.

The rules:

  • Join us over at the EastLondonKnit Ravelry Group.
  • Cast on any of the Klee Collection designs. (Those cast on before 1 Dec are also allowed)
  • Bind off on or before 1 February 2016.
  • Post a beautiful of your finished object in the Finished Object Thread of Joy.
  • Tag your project with ‘KleeCollectionKAL‘ on Ravelry or #KleeCollectionKAL on Instgram or Twitter.

Exciting times, eh?

This weekend the Klee Collection received a lovely review on A Playful Day’s podcast!

a playful day podcast

I began listening to Kate’s podcast many years ago, and was super pleased to hear my work mentioned in her dulcet tones! Please do have a listen🙂

I will be guest posting on her blog as well as partaking in a give away! Watch this space….

Happy knitting,


Curious Handmade Podcast!


Recently I spent a lovely afternoon with Helen Stewart, of Curious Handmade fame. I met Helen some years ago, and have watched her flourish as a knitwear designer and podcaster over the years. I joined her to chat on the podcast about handmade wardrobes for the Curious Handmade Wardrobe Challenge, inspiration and my first collection of knitwear patterns, the Klee Collection.

I finally worked up the nerve to listen to the podcast myself and after getting over the pain of hearing my recorded voice (it just makes you cringe at first, doesn’t it!? I can’t believe I sound like that), I think it went pretty well! Please do have a listen!
Curious Handmade podcast

Only 2 more days until the Klee Collection goes live! The next two days are dedicated to the fine tuning of the patterns and photography. You can’t have to too many detail shots right? It would be wonderful if, when designs are published, you could give them a little love on Ravelry with a favorite or a comment! It would help me out so much! I am planning some amazing knit alongs too:)

Finally, the Good Fortune Giveaway continues! Have a look at the original post and it would be great if you would come on over to the EastLondonKnit Ravelry group and share a story or just a positive comment. I will choose a winner from the thread on Thursday and there are some lovely incentives to play along!

Happy knitting,
