Episode 3: Knitting Machine Making


The EastLondonKnit podcast is out! May I present to you Episode 3: Knitting Machine Making.


The show notes can be found in the EastLondonKnit Ravelry group, and there is another great giveaway, a winner for a previous giveaway, and Craftsy discounts galore!

Happy knitting,


A Sweetheart Giveaway




This week I am having a little giveaway to celebrate my love for you!

I will be giving away a free Craftsy.com class to some lucky winner. You can choose any class at all, be it knitting or cake decorating!

To win, please sign up for my newsletter and then pop over to my Instagram feed and leave a comment on this post tagging a crafty friend.

To enter:
1. Please sign up for the ELK newsletter
2. Follow @eastlondonknit, and
3. let me know you are all signed up by tagging a crafty friend or two in the comments of this post.

You can still enter if you already received the newsletter and follow me on Instagram: just carry on with step 3. and you could win!

I will choose a winner Friday,  10 February.

With love from me to you!

Happy knitting,


A new kind of sweater pattern


Today I’d like to introduce the pattern I wrote for the Machine Knitting, Sweater Basics. I have to say that I was really pleased with this pattern, and I hope it will be useful for both hand and machine knitters.

Sweater Blank schematic

My idea was to create a worksheet that could lead a knitter through making a pattern based on a fabric of any gauge. I wanted it to be super clear and easy enough for even a beginner knitter to understand and work through. It was particularly important for me that it would be easy to customise.


Sweater Blank worksheet by Renee Callahan

Peek of the Sweater Blank Worksheet courtesy of Craftsy.com

Initial indications suggest that the pattern has been really successful for the people who have used it and I am so excited about seeing the finished projects–sometimes a very first project for the knitter (!) coming through.

I knit several versions of the sweater, modelled here by the lovely Craftsy model:

A Sweater Blank Sweater by Renee Callahan


A Sweater Blank Sweater by Renee Callahan

A Sweater Blank Sweater by Renee Callahan

Photos courtesy of Craftsy

I have started a Ravelry project page for the sweater and I really look forward to seeing the projects progress.

If you haven’t signed up, but are interested in learning more about machine knitting or getting the Sweater Blank OR you would just like a 25% discount on any Craftsy.com class, please have a look at  my website.

Happy knitting,


Machine Knitting: Sweater Basics, live!!


It is live!! Machine knitting:Sweater Basics is up and ready for casting on!


photo credit: Craftsy

I am really pleased to be able to offer you a whopping 50% discount on the purchase of the class! Just follow the link above or go to my website for more information and a link for 25% off any other Craftsy class you may like to take!

In Machine Knitting; Sweater Basics, you will learn everything you need to know to knit a sweater on the machine: from basic machine maintenance, how to cast on, making fabric you love, to seaming, blocking and everything in between. The class includes my Sweater Blank–a worksheet that will lead you through making your sweater in any gauge or fabric you want and making it easy to customize. I will post more about the Sweater Blank later, but I have to say I am pretty pleased about it and I hope you will be too.

Although it was excruciating for me to watch this the first time, here is the trailer, for your amusement!

Happy knitting,


A new Craftsy class: machine knitting; sweater basics!



It is nearly time!! My Craftsy class is in the final stages of preparation and I am really excited to share it with you!

I know not all of you are machine knitters, but if you are at all interested in machine knitting, I think this class will give you a lot of information and help, not to mention a great pattern for a simple sweater.

A Sweater Blank Sweater by Renee Callahan

A Sweater Blank Sweater by Renee Callahan

A Sweater Blank Sweater by Renee Callahan

Photos courtesy of Craftsy

Although I am really proud of the whole class, I am particularly proud of this sweater pattern which will enable the knitter to knit this drop shoulder sweater in any gauge with any yarn and any stitch pattern. I will post more about this later, but I hope it will be an incredibly useful pattern for the beginner or intermediate knitter.

You can enter to win this Craftsy class by simply clicking the link below. The winner will be chosen at random when the class goes live.

Win a free class! Enter by clicking here.

Happy knitting!
